I. i. speech in general
ars dicendi---the art of speaking, oratory.
ad dicendum se conferre---to devote onseself to oratory.
dicendi praecepta tradere---to teach rhetoric.
rhetor, dicendi magister---a teacher of rhetoric.
facultas dicendi---oratorical talent.
natum, factum esse ad dicendum---to be a born orator.
facilem et expeditum esse ad dicendum---to be a ready, fluent speaker.
rudem, tironem ac rudem esse in dicendo---to be an inexperienced speaker.
disertum esse---to be fluent.
eloquentem esse---to be a capable, finished speaker.
eloquentia valere---to be very eloquent.
dicendi arte florere---to be very eloquent.
eloquentiae laude florere---to be a distinguished orator.
dicendi arte florere---to be very eloquent.
vis dicendi ---oratorical power.
multum dicendo valere, posse---to have great weight as a speaker.
eloquentiae principatum tenere---to be considered the foremost orator.
primum (or principem) inter oratores locum obtinere---to be considered the foremost orator.
oratorem principem esse---to be considered the foremost orator.
orationem conficere---to compose a speech.
orationem commentari---to prepare a speech.
oratio meditata---a prepared speech.
subito, ex tempore dicere---to speak extempore.
oratio subita---an extempore speech.
oratio perpetua---a continuous discourse.
oratio accurata et polita---a carefully prepared speech.
oratio composita---an elaborate speech.
eloquentiae principatum tenere---to be considered the foremost orator.
contentio---animated address; emotional language.
copiose dicere---to speak very fluently.
ornate dicere---to speak well, elegantly.
libere dicere---to speak frankly, independently.
plane, aperte dicere---to speak openly, straightfowardly.
perspicue, diserte dicere---to speak in clear expressive language.
missis ambagibus dicere---to speak without circumlocution.
accommodate ad persuadendum dicere---to be a persuasive speaker.
aggredi ad dicendum---to come forward to make a speech; to address the house.
verba facere apud populum, in contione---to address a meeting of the Roman people. [apud is used of appearing before an official assembly; coram is used of an informal casual meeting.]
in contionem (in rostra) escendere (only of Romans)---to mount the rostra.
orationem habere---to make a speech.
initium dicendi facere---to begin to speak.
perorare---(1) to make one's peroration; (2) to deliver the closing speech (in a case where several speeches have been made).
animos audientium permovare, inflammare---to make an impression on one's audience.
animos tenere---to rivet the attention of . . .
audientiam sibi (orationi) facere---to obtain a hearing.
solutum et expeditum esse ad dicendum---to be never at a loss for something to say.
lingua promptum esse---to have a ready tongue.
celeritus in respondendo---readiness in debate, in repartee.
bonis lateribus esse---to have a good pair of lungs.
linguae solutio---volubility.
I. ii. style--expression
genus dicendi (scribendi); oratio---style.
genus dicendi grave or grande, medium, tenue---elevated, moderate, plain style. [Speeches belong according to their subject-matter to genus deliberativum, genus judiciale, or genus demonstrativum.]
fusum orationis genus---a running style.
inconditum dicendi genus---a rough, unpolished style.
inflatum orationis genus---a bombastic style.
oratio altius exaggerata---a bombastic style.
elatio atque altitudo orationis---the exalted strain of the speech.
exsurgere altius or incitatius ferri---to take a higher tone.
magnifice loqui, dicere---(1) to speak vehemently, passionately; (2) to speak pompously, boastfully.
magniloquentia, granditas verborum---pathos; passion.
tragoediae---tragic pathos.
expedita et facile currens oratio---an easy, fluent style.
oratio aequabiliter fluens---an easy, fluent style.
flumen orationis---flow of oratory.
siccitas---the plain style.
sanitas orationis---the plain style.
verborum tenuitas---the plain style.
oratio subtilis---the plain style.
oratio exilis, jejuna, arida, exsanguis---the dry, lifeless style.
ornatus orationis, verborum---well-chosen language, grace of style.
oratio pura, pura et emendata---pure, correct language
integritas, sinceritas orationis---purity of style.
oratio inquinata---incorrect language
orationes Catones antiquitatem redolent---Cato's speeches sound archaic
ex illius orationibus ipsae Athenae redolent---there is a flavour of Atticism about his discourse
oratio soluta---prose.
I. iii. delivery---voice
pronuntiatio---artistic delivery; declamation.
actio paulum claudicat---the delivery is rather halting, poor.
haerere, hesitare---to stop short, to hesitate.
perturbari, permoveri---to be nervous, embarrassed.
de scripto orationem habere, dicere (opp. sine scripto, ex memoria)---to read a speech.
interpellare aliquem (dicentem)---to interrupt.
vox magna, clara---a strong clear voice.
vox gravis, acuta, parva, mediocris---a deep, high, thin, moderate voice.
vox canóra---a melodious, ringing voice.
vox lenis, suppressa, summissa---a gentle, subdued voice.
vocem mittere (sonitum reddere of things)---to speak, utter a sound.
vocem summittere---to lower one's voice.
contentio, remissio vocis---raising, lowering the voice.
vocem intercludere---to prevent someone from speaking.
nulla vox est ab eo audita---no sound passed his lips.
magna voce clamare---to shout at the top of one's voice.
clamorem tollere---to raise a shout, a cry.
gestum (always in the singular) agere---to gesticulate.
I. iv. subject-matter---argument
non habeo argumentum scribendi---I have nothing to write about.
deest mihi argumentum ad scribendum (Att. IX. vii. 9)---I have nothing to write about.
non habeo, non est quod scribam---I have nothing to write about.
res mihi suppetit---I have abundance to say.
materia mihi crescit---my subject grows as I write.
res componere ac digerere---to arrange and divide the subject-matter.
dispositio rerum (De Inv. I. vii. 9)---the arrangement of the subject-matter.
materia rerum et copia uberrima---abundance of material.
infinita et immensa materia---abundance of material.
materiem ad ornatum praebere---to afford matter for elaboration, embellishment.
id quod (mihi) propositum et---a theme, subject proposed for discussion.
res proposita---a theme, subject proposed for discussion.
id quod quaerimus (quaeritur)---a theme, subject proposed for discussion.
institutum or id quod instituti---a theme, subject proposed for discussion.
a propositum aberrare, declinare, deflectare, digredi, egredi---to digress from the point at issue.
ad propositum reverti, redire---to come back to the point.
ad rem redire---to come back to the point.
sed redeant, unde aberravit oratio---but to return from the digression we have been making.
sed ad id, unde digressi sumus, revertamur---but to return from the digression we have been making.
verum ut ad id, unde digressa est oratio, revertamur---but to return from the digression we have been making.
mihi propositum est (with infinitive) or mihi proposui, ut---the task I have put before myself is . . .
ponere---to propose, set a theme.
ponere alicui, de quo disputet---to set someone a theme for discussion.
ponere jubere, qua de re quis audire velit (Fin. II. i. 1)---to let those present fix any subject they like for discussion.
I. vi. humour---earnest
joco uti---to make a joke.
haec jocatus sum, per jocum dixi---I said it in jest.
animo prompto esse ad jocandum---to be humorously inclined.
extra jocum, remotum joco---joking apart.
facetiis uti, facetum esse---to make witty remarks.
facete et commode dicere---to indulge in apt witticisms.
breviter et commode dictum---a short, pointed witticism.
facete dictum---a witticism, bon mot.
arcessitum dictum---a far-fetched joke.
dicta dicere in aliquem---to make jokes on a person.
aspergere sales orationi---to intersperse one's speech with humorous remarks.
aliquid ad ridiculum convertere---to make a joke of a thing.
lepos in jocando---humour.
jucunde esse---to be in good temper.
se dare jucunditati---to let oneself be jovial.
sibi displicere---to be in a bad temper.
joca et seria agere---to be now jesting, now in earnest.
serio dicere---to say in earnest . . .
severitatem adhibere---to shew that one is serious.
ineptum esse---to be silly, without tact.
nimium diligentem esse---to be pedantic.
II. ix. conversation--audience--conference
sermonem conferre, instituere, ordire, cum aliquo---to enter into conversation with someone.
se dare in sermonem cum aliquo---to enter into conversation with someone.
sermonem inferre, de aliqua re---to turn the conversation on to a certain subject.
in eum sermonem incidere, qui tum fere multis erat in ore---to talk of a subject which was then the common topic of conversation
sermo incidit de aliqua re---the subject turned on . . .
in sermonem ingredi---to begin a conversation.
sermo ortus est ab aliqua re---the conversation began with . . .
sermonem alio transferre---to turn the conversation to another topic.
medium sermonem abrumpere---to break off in the middle of a conversation.
sermonem producere in multam noctem---to prolong the conversation long into the night.
sermonem habere cum de aliquo aliqua re---to converse with a person on a subject.
hinc sermo ductus est---the conversation began in this way.
sermo inductus a tali exordio---the conversation began in this way.
multus sermo---a long conversation.
narratio, fabula---a narrative, tale, story.
narrantiuncula, fabella---an anecdote.
haec fabula docet---this fable teaches us.
convenire aliquem---to meet someone (accidentally or intentionally) and to talk with him.
congredi cum aliquo---to meet someone by arrangement, interview him.
sui potestam facere, praebere alicui---to give audience to someone.
colloquendi copiam facere, dare conveniendi aditum dare alicui---to give audience to someone.
aditum conveniendi or colloquium petere---to seek a hearing, audience, interview.
(ad colloquium) admitti in congressum alicujus venire---to obtain an audienceof someone
velle aliquem---to wish to speek to someone.
paucis te volo---I want a word with you.
tribus verbis te volo---I want a word with you.
sermo cotidianus, or simply sermo---conversational language.
coram loqui (cum aliquo)---to speak personally with . . .
commercium loquendi et audiendi---interchange of ideas; conversation.
capita conferre---to put our heads together.
remotis arbitris or secreto---in private.
intra parietes---within four walls.
II. x. greeting--farewell
saluti alicui dicere, impertire, nuntiare---to greet a person.
aliquem salvere jubere---to greet a person.
quid agis?---how are you? [quid agis? is also used as an expression of surprise--"What are you thinking of?"]
quid agitur? quid fit?---what is going on? how are you getting on?
nuntia fratri tuo salutem verbis meis---remember me to your brother.
adscribere alicui salutem---to add to one's letter good wishes to someone
salute data (accepta) redditaque---after mutual greetings.
inter se consalutare---to exchange greetings.
dextram alicui porrigere, dare---to give one's right hand to someone.
dextram jungere cum aliquo, dextras inter se jungere---to shake hands with a person.
te valere jubeo---I bid you farewell.
vale or cura ut valeas---farewell.
bene ambula et redambula---a safe journey to you.
gratulari alicui aliquid or de aliqua re---to congratulate a person on something.