T.L. Peacock Later Latin More Music Other Links

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Cyanogen: the Resurrection of Deadman Turnerfour tracks from the Informalmusic CD are available to be downloaded
some demo songs of Deadman Turner & Deadman’s radio stations at MacIdol—or play them all
Forgotten Days—a sort of Christmas song & We Three Kings, an instrumental version of the Christmas song
I Want to Smell You, a burlesque version of The Beatles’ I Want to Tell You.
the Thomas Love Peacock Society songs of Thomas Love Peacock set to music
the Later Latin Society
the Damon Runyon Society
the Sulpicia (filia Servi) Society the C. Valerius Catullus Society the M. Valerius Martialis Society
other links All Right, All Right blog modern dialogues
International Terrorism Daythe CD single by the Powers that Be& the lyrics thereto
the Books of P.G. Wodehouse the Peacock Society's Amazon.com Bookshop & Amazon.co.uk Bookshop

Web www.informalmusic.com

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deadman turner later latin more music other links